There were 7 real knitters + one, who wanted to get rid of her yarns at knit meeting on Tuesday. I think she managed quite well, though I didn't help at all. We dropped also in the local "button shop" with Raijis, and I bought also something.
Kuvassa mukana myös Arjalta diilatut Noro Silk Garden -kerät, kaikki muu on siis "nappikaupasta". Saa nähdä, onko tuo kirjoneuleapuri kätevä. Kokemuksia?
There are also the Noro Silk Garden skeins dealed by Arja in the picture. All the other stuff is from the "button shop".
Revontuli edistyy nopeasti. Kohta jo viimeiset kerrokset menossa. Pitäisiköhän sitten vaihtaa mallia? Toisaalta, läheskään kaikilla ystävilläni ei vielä omaansa ole...
The Northern Lights is progressing fast. I wonder if I should change the pattern then. On the other hand, all my friends don't have their own yet...
Ja lauantaina neulotaan sitten Haminan Puistokahvilassa!